SST is postponed until further notice!



YWAM Missions

for Teens



About Us




It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to not run SST for the summer of 2025. We very much wish that we were able to spend the summer training missionaries, and imparting God's heart for people into them. We simply just do not have the manpower to run a teenage discipleship program this year. However, be on the lookout for future updates, and news on SST summer 2026!
We pray that this summer will still be a time for you to dive deep into your relationship with God, and experience  His love like never before!


SST is YWAM Tyler’s Discipleship & Missions Training Program for Teenagers.

1. Join our community of full-time missionaries for a season
2. Encounter God through interactive teaching
3. Grow in relationships and authentic discipleship


1 week of Lecture + 1 week of Outreach


Phase 1

(First year with SST)

In Phase 1 we want to expose students to the loving and dynamic God of the Bible, equip students with understanding the “how to” of having a relationship with God and hearing His voice, establish what God’s standards are in our modern times, embody what God says. When we act upon what God speaks, we become transformed. 

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Phase 2

Our goal in Phase 2 is to help the students gain maturity in outwardly expressing his/her relationship with God and see fruit of their ministry, to be an expression of being set apart, to understand their destiny through small steps of obedience in daily life, and to grow in relationships while living a life of submission to Jesus' Lordship.

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Phase 3

The purpose of Phase 3  is to help students understand their personal call to missions and bringing kingdom transformation to all the nations of the world.

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I was dealing with a lot of shame but God worked with me and never left my side and delivered me from it. I’m still working through it but I know that I’m not alone and I never will be.
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Phase A
For me, SST was a time of transformation from hopelessness to refreshing remembrance of the identity and future God has placed before me. I definitely recommend going to SST. It’ll totally change the way you see yourself, others, and God.
Phase 2
COME. It will break you down and build you back up a new person in the best way possible. I'm closer to God than I have ever been now and my life is changed in every way.
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Phase B
I learned how to value every individual and be open and vulnerable in my relationships.
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Phase 3
I found my true identity during the identity session and felt God tell me I am a Missionary.
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Phase A
The way you walk in to SST is not the way you'll walk out. If you're seeking God he'll meet you there.
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Phase 2

SST Village

Are you looking for a place to host a retreat or simply get away?

The SST Retreat Center (SST Village) is the perfect place to escape and spend some time with God.

Please contact us to find out more about availability and prices.

Partner with us




SST Email
PO Box 3000
Lindale, TX 75771